Collaborating to promote the right to education

posted in: Beyond JCAP, Education, Social Justice | 0

A new Jesuit initiative was recently launched to foster collaboration in making the right to quality education for all a reality across the world.  In our world today, 62 million children do not go to school, 250 million children finish primary school without knowing how to read or write due to the poor quality of education and 751 million of people aged 15 and above cannot read or write, and two thirds of them are women.

The website,, is intended to be a communication and participation tool for the Right to Education Network of the Global Ignatian Advocacy Network (GIAN).  Launched on April 13, edujesuit is an important step for the network towards achieving its goal of becoming an international network that brings together Jesuits and partners from around the world to demand the right to education for all, within the framework of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.  It seeks to promote civic participation, awareness-raising and dialogue with policymakers. news pageIt is meant to be an online workspace for Jesuits and collaborators in education focussed organisations. Edujesuit provides a place to contribute to the internal reflection about advocacy in the Right to Education field; news, editorials and testimonies showing how the education projects actually change lives, as well as toolkits and international documents related to the Right to Education.  It also allows members of the network to place their initiatives on a world map. [Jesuit Networking