Combined Novitiate experiences in Malaysia-Singapore

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The Japanese Province Novitiate joins the Malaysia-Singapore NovitiateThe Japanese Province Novitiate will join the Malaysia-Singapore Novitiate programme for six weeks from September 29. The Novice Master Fr Stanislaus Shionoya who will generally run his own classes for his two novices (Obedientia Hyoe Murayama, 1st year and Aloisius Takao Onishi – 2nd year), in Japanese, will join the Malaysia-Singapore group in the community activities. However, both programmes will surely try to combine sessions to enrich their mutual Asian cultural and religious experiences.

There is much benefit in sharing our mutual formation programmes, different religious experiences, community and apostolic exposures, forms of prayers and the like. One example could be: to show a prize winning Japanese movie and then ask the Japanese companions to share its cultural significances on religious vocation. Everyone looks forward to the coming weeks of being together in the Lord as companions of the Society in the Assistancy.