2.1 There will be coordinated efforts to enable Jesuits, mission partners, and institutions to deepen their personal and communal appropriation of Ignatian Spirituality especially during the Ignatian Year. This includes having more opportunities for on-going formation, revisiting the roots, strengthening practice, undergoing personally-guided Spiritual Exercises, learning and exercising communal discernment, developing the profile of an ‘Ignatian work/center’, and vocation promotion. A pool of people will also be trained to facilitate discernment in common (DIC) in the Ignatian tradition for groups within the Society and beyond.
2.2 Adaptations will be made to content, format, and language so that Ignatian Spirituality, including the ministry of the Spiritual Exercises, can be more readily entered into and appropriated by various groups, including the youth, indigenous communities and ethnic groups, people of other faiths, people with no religion, business communities, ‘marginal’ Catholics, etc.
Targeted outputs:
2a. Strengthening spiritual formation
- Discernment in Common workshop for trainers/facilitators is completed by Jan 2021. Network of DIC facilitators is supported and grown. All units are encouraged and supported to roll out DIC over the next 5 years.
- A structure/syllabus for formation of Spiritual Directors (SDs) is developed by end-2023 with shared resourced developed.
- A supervisors’ formation program is developed for 2024.
- The feasibility of an annual journal on Ignatian Spirituality is explored in collaboration of other JCAP networks. Targeted publication is 2025.
2b. Staff and lay collaborators
- Ignatian formation programs are conducted over the next 5 years for lay collaborators as part of long-term plans for the Society’s mission, linked to the Flagship Program.
2c. Institutions
- A Mission Examen (Examen of Jesuit Apostolic Ministry) Guide is produced by mid-2021. DIC facilitators will be encouraged to use the Examen as part of apostolic planning
2d. Training on apostolic planning is done in 2023.
2e. Promoting Ignatian Spirituality to wider audience
- An inter-sectoral team to adapt Ignatian Spirituality to youth, other faiths (esp. Buddhists, Muslims), indigenous communities, people with no religion, etc. is formed. Studies on how to adapt Ignatian terminology/language to non-Christian cultures are carried out from mid-2021.
- Writings on “The Ignatian Spirituality and Islamic Teachings/Muslim Communities: Asian Context” are produced in collaboration with Jesuits Among Muslims in Asia (JAMIA) from 2021.
Responsible team: ISN in collaboration with other circles and networks (especially Interreligious Dialogue (IRD), JCIM, Youth, Basic Education), provinces and regions; training for apostolic planning could be spearheaded by the JCAP leadership development committee.