Our Desire

“Seeing all things new in Christ, we want to walk in a journey of conversion and
synodality as we commit ourselves to the urgent call of poverty and reconciliation
with creation in Asia Pacific. We seek to collaborate especially with the youth, with
the Church, with other faiths, and with those in civil society engaged in similar
concerns. Ignatian Spirituality is the gift we share and the charism in which we desire
to grow.”

10 Goals for the next five years, 2021-2025

Part I: Cura Apostolica

  1. Respond to the call of poverty and reconciliation with creation

Practise communal examen and implement tangible changes towards poverty, simplicity, closeness with the poor, and ecological conversion through a holistic and collaborative approach.

2. Deepen and share our charism of Ignatian Spirituality

Facilitate coordinated efforts to deepen the personal and communal understanding of Ignatian Spirituality among Jesuits, mission partners, and institutions through ongoing formation and training in discernment in common, and adaptations to make Ignatian Spirituality and the ministry of Spiritual Exercises more accessible to youth, indigenous communities, people of other faiths, and marginalised individuals.

3. Collaborate with the youth and integrate vocation promotion

Walk closely with young people, addressing their spiritual and societal concerns, and promote vocational discernment.

4. Walk with the Church in synodality, leadership, and safety in ministry

Accompany the local church in pursuing the mission of evangelisation, promoting synodality and discernment, and building a culture of safeguarding of minors and vulnerable adults.

5. Strengthen our mission to serve the Chinese people

Discern and undertake initiatives to support the mission of serving the Chinese people.

6. Consolidate and reimagine the theological centers

Strengthen the theology and philosophy programmes in Asia Pacific through discernment, consolidation, and collaboration among deans and schools.

Part II: Cura Personalis and Governance

7. Strengthen the governance of developing Jesuit regions and missions

Discern ways to strengthen and support governance collaboration between regions and missions in Asia and the Pacific.

8. Discern new governance configurations and collaboration

Explore new governance configurations and synergies in light of the demands of mission in Asia Pacific and changing demographics to ensure effective mission in the region.

9. Strengthen leadership, planning, and synodality

Support mission partners and Jesuit leaders in key positions to enhance their leadership capacities.

10. Strengthen the formation of Jesuits and mission partners

Review and update the formation and cura personalis of Jesuits in various age groups, ensuring that our formation programmes are responsive to the evolving needs of our members in light of GC 36, the UAPs, and the enduring impact of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Download the full text of the JCAP Plan 2021-2025