Effective Steward Leadership Course 2007
The course on Effective Steward Leadership ended on March 29, 2007. In a closing liturgy and ceremony, 71 received their respective certificates of completion. Out of the 71 graduates, 36 got their Diploma in Pastoral Ministry after completing two regular courses and submitting a pastoral project.
Ongoing Courses (April – June 2007)
Pastoral Management Workshop (April 10 – May 11, 2007)
The Fifth Pastoral Management Workshop opened on Tuesday, April 10th with a bigger number of participants compared to last year. There are 37 participating in this workshop, coming from 17 different countries and mission posts; 19 male/18 female; 9 diocesan/11 lay people/11 religious sisters/3 religious clergy and 3 religious brothers. The workshop will end on May 11th.
Media and Pastoral Ministry Workshop (April 23 – May 25, 2007)
On April 23rd, the Workshop on Media and Pastoral Ministry will begin. We are expecting around 15 participants for this workshop. EAPI and The Garage of the Jesuit Communications will be the venues for this workshop that will end on May 25th. Some scholarships are still available for deserving candidates.
Forthcoming Courses
Lay Discipleship in a Participatory Church (May 14 – June 14, 2007)
For the first time, a course on Lay Discipleship Program will be conducted here at EAPI starting May 14th, exclusively for the laity. We are expecting more than 30 participants for this course that will end on June 14th. A few more slots are still available. Fees: US$500 (inclusive of tuition and board and lodging). Scholarships are available courtesy of Jesuit Province of Australia.
Spiritual Direction Workshop (May 22 – June 22, 2007)
Still open for applicants, the Spiritual Direction Workshop starts on May 22nd, with the Center for Ignatian Spirituality (CIS) spearheading this course. We also expect more than 30 participants. This workshop will end on June 22nd. Fees for stay-in: US$600 and live-out: US$350.
Pastoral Renewal Program (June 28 – December 12, 2007)
Fees, inclusive of tuition and board and lodging, amount to US$4,577.00.
A Time for Sabbatical
As a parallel program to the regular Pastoral Renewal Program starting June 2007, a Sabbatical Program will be offered here at EAPI. The program is designed for lay, religious and ordained ministers, aged 45 to 70 years old, who are in transition, who need a change of pace away from their ordinary environment and life style after a busy life of ministry. The first Sabbatical Program, a 5-month program, starts on June 28 and ends on December 12, 2007. This will be followed by a 3-month program set from January 4 to April 4, 2008.
Effective Steward Leadership: A Church for Healing and Reconciliation (January 4 – April 4, 2008)
Fees, inclusive of tuition and board and lodging, amount to US$2,740.00.
For further details of the above courses, kindly call the Secretariat or visit the EAPI website: http://eapi.admu.edu.ph. You may download and print respective application and reference forms.
Other News
Comings and Goings of Staff Members.
After 3 months of stay here at EAPI to help out in spiritual accompaniment for the Leadership Course, Fr Vernon D’Cunha (BOM) has returned to India for another assignment. Fr. Joel Mascarenhas (BOM) would also be returning to India by the end of April for a new assignment. After serving EAPI for 12 years as a resident staff, Sr. Kathleen Coyle, SSC, has ended her services March 31. We thank Sr. Kathleen for her inspiring presence at EAPI. We pray for them and for their new mission.
Renovation Works in EAPI
Since last year, renovation works have been going on in EAPI to have better and conducive facilities for participants. Parlor rooms and common toilets have been reworked and modernized. Ongoing renovation works are the main chapel (3rd flr.), meeting rooms, and the common toilets in the participants’ wings.- Courtesy of very generous benefactors.