Consultants discussed GC35 preparations

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Early May, the JCEAO consultants—Frs. Matthias Chae Joon-ho, Priyono Marwan, Philip Heng, Mario Francisco, and Pham Minh-Uoc—came together for a two-day consultation with Fr. Adolfo Nicolás at the JCEAO office. Most of the Agenda was about the preparation of the coming meeting of Major Superiors and of Major Superiors with the Electors for GC35 in July. Apart from this, there are some urgent personnel needs for the Common Missions and Common Works of the Assistancy, for instance, the need of Jesuit personnel to welcome and support Myanmarese scholastics returning to their country, Jesuits for new apostolates in Myanmar, and replacements for Jesuits at Arrupe International Residence who will be leaving before the end of 2007.

It was also decided that the next JCEAO Consultation will be combined with the meeting of the Secretaries and Directors of International Work.