Fire in Saint Roque, Montreal

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Fr Louis Robert (CHN) was SELA (Socio-Economic Life in Asia) Committee Secretary from 1977-83, missionary to Vietnam and long-time refugee worker. He is now the Parish Priest of the Church of Saint Roque, Champagneur Street, Park Extension Sector, Montreal.

During the night, the presbytery of the Church was consumed by flames. Four persons lived there, including Fr Robert. All are safe and sound. The material damage is great. The Church next door did not receive any damage.

The fire started at about 1:30 in the morning near a car and the flames moved to the presbytery. About 80 firemen struggled with the conflagration. A 30-year old man has been arrested. He is being interrogated by the police, who suspect him to be the cause of a series of criminal fires in this sector of the City. (LCN and Communication from the French Canada and Haiti Province, May 24, 2007)