How does it feel when the “worst” happens?

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If you want to know, come and talk to the JCEAO Team, what is left of it…

We used to tease Fr. Nico about his staying in Rome; perhaps it was our way of coping with the danger. It was also our way of saying how much we appreciated all that his presence contributed to our work and our lives.

He was the first in the office every morning, and one of the last to leave. No siesta for him, only the click of his computer. Yet every morning at 10 he was ready for coffee, cheese (which often he carried personally from Europe) or peanut butter.  Always with a smile or several funny stories from his worldwide brothers. Our birthday celebrations were real family affairs.

Often, to keep us informed, he would share with us a letter he had just sent out; that was always a treat, to see the way he developed an idea, or handled a person who needed support or guidance.

We teased him, because we knew it was possible. But we hoped for his return. Now we have to dust an empty office, wait for a new Boss…. and hope that sometime soon, Fr. General can hang his own picture on our wall… (Fr Tom Steinbugler)