April visitors

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Fr Steve Curtin, the Mission Procurator in Australia, visited the JCEAO office last April 3 – 9. He wanted to expand his knowledge of the funding needs of the several Assistancy Missions, especially East Timor and Myanmar. He also visited the East Asian Pastoral Institute (EAPI) and joined the participants in their Eucharist and dinner. Afterward, he had a cordial conversation with the Director, Fr Jeyarah Rasiah (SRI), to be informed of the EAPI’s activities. It should be noted that for the last two years, the generous support of the Australian Province through its Mission Office has enabled EAPI to organize very successful programs on Lay Discipleship.

Fr Pedro Walpole (PHI) took Fr Curtin on a three-day trip to Mindanao where he could see for himself how to support the education of children in those poor rural areas. He left Manila on April 9 for Cambodia.

Fr Joseph Doan (VIE), Regional Assistant to Fr General, dropped by on April 21, as part of his formal visit to the Philippine Province on the occasion of their preparing a Terna for a new Provincial.