JCEAO Office Renovations

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A sagging ceiling indicated a leaky roof of the Sonolux building. And one thing led to another.

The roof was repaired, the ceiling of the entire 3rd floor of the Sonolux Building was replaced, the kitchen was overhauled, the previous Vietnam Service Desk Office was converted into a conference room. And these were just the major ones. While the rest of the JCEAO staff were away during the long Christmas break, Ms Lucy Dimalanta diligently reported to the office and one-handedly supervised the renovation. Then we thought it was finally over. But here comes the news of Fr Matthias Chae‘s coming as the new Formation Delegate and a room has to be prepared for him. And Lucy is at it again…

Here are some pictures of the newly renovated JCEAO Office:

Fr. Mark's office

Fr Mark’s office

Fr. Minh-Uoc's office

Fr Minh-Uoc’s office

The new conference room

The new conference room



