New Juniorate Director

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The Maryland Province continues to make Fr Jeffrey Chang Gar-lok available under the Chinese Province. Benefiting from the generosity of both Provinces is the Arrupe International Residence (AIR). Fr Jeff will be the new Director of its Juniorate Program beginning mid-2009. At the moment, he is finishing his tertianship in California. He replaces Fr Pham Van Ai (ASL), who will continue his teaching ministry in Vietnam and Australia.

All Jesuits are vocation promoters

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Vocation promoters from all the provinces and regions of JCEAO held a meeting at the same time the provincials’ meeting last January 26 – 29. They had one plenary session with the major superiors, during which proposals were made calling for a greater effort at vocation promotion.

Jesuit Mission Cambodia March 2009 News

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Colloquium for New Provincials and Major Superiors in RomeFr Gabriel Je, Delegate of the Korea Provincial for the Cambodia Mission, was in Rome to attend the Colloquium for New Provincials and Major Superiors from March 16 – 28. He then proceeded to the United Kingdom to see Fr Kang In-gun (KOR), before a brief visit to South Korea.

Mr Cheng Guan is now JRS-Singapore Director

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Mr Cheong Cheng Guan assumed the post of Country Coordinator of the Jesuit Refugee Service Singapore last February 21. He brings in his skills and experiences in management and finances having been in the Banking and Finance Industry for 25 years. His first encounter with ]RS was during a mission trip to a refugee camp in Thailand. Since then he has been involved in various activities of ES Singapore including Information and Advocacy sub- committees, the subcommittees in support of IRS Thailand and Cambodia projects and organizing the World Refugee Day Masses.

Moving forward for Myanmarese and Thai scholastics

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Sch Wilbert Mireh (MYN) has been approved for theology, and will be continuing his theological studies at Loyola School of Theology, Manila, Philippines. He will be a member of the Arrupe International Residence. Congratulations to Wilbert for his two years of teaching at Xavier School, Truk, Micronesia. Wilbert will begin theology at the beginning of June, 2009. Sch Francis Htjaru (MYN) is assigned to Jesuit Refugee Service, Mae Hong Sohn, Thailand.

Sri Lanka: Doing all they can to prevent further bloodshed

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The Jesuits first went to Sri Lanka hundreds of years ago, not long after the time of Francis Xavier in the 16th Century. Many Sri Lankans became Catholics. The Jesuits opened parishes, schools and colleges, especially for Tamil migrants from India, who worked as labourers in the tea and coffee plantations. After independence, the previous balance between the two ethnicities of Sri Lanka, Tamils (of Sri Lankan origin) and Sinhalese, became more and more distorted.