All Jesuits are vocation promoters

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Vocation promoters from all the provinces and regions of JCEAO held a meeting at the same time the provincials’ meeting last January 26 – 29. They had one plenary session with the major superiors, during which proposals were made calling for a greater effort at vocation promotion.

The main point agreed upon was, as Fr General Kolvenbach often said, that all Jesuits should consider themselves to be vocation promoters. We can help young people, both men and women, become more aware of religious life, and we can encourage and accompany them in discerning whether they themselves are called to serve as religious. While we continue to pray individually and in community for Jesuit vocations, we can also prudently urge promising young adults to consider whether they might be called to closer service of the Lord and his people according to our way of life.

The Assistancy has 111 novices, up from 98 last year and 76 the previous year. Vietnam is most blessed with 36 novices (the most they can handle) and 146 candidates. Many of the provinces and regions have a candidacy program of one or two years for young candidates doing their university studies. (Source: Japan Province News March 2009)