Jesuit Mission Cambodia March 2009 News

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Colloquium for New Provincials and Major Superiors in RomeFr Gabriel Je, Delegate of the Korea Provincial for the Cambodia Mission, was in Rome to attend the Colloquium for New Provincials and Major Superiors from March 16 – 28. He then proceeded to the United Kingdom to see Fr Kang In-gun (KOR), before a brief visit to South Korea.

Fr John Dardis, the Provincial of Ireland, accompanied by Fr John Guiney, Director of Jesuit Mission in Ireland, made his first visitation of the Cambodia Mission from March 29 – April 7. They visited Banteay Prieb, our vocational school for the disabled and the Catholic Church Student Center in Phnom Penh. Fr Ashley Evans (HIB) had helped to establish the Center and now serves as its director. They also went to see the Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum in Phnom Penh and Angkor Wat in Siem Reap.

Fr Manoj Ekka (RAN)A farewell party was held on March 31 in Phnom Penh for Fr Manoj Ekka (RAN). He left Cambodia on April 1 for Tertainship in India to be followed by special studies. Fr Manoj spent four years in Cambodia. He arrived in February 2005 and worked at Jesuit Service in Siem Reap, assisted in the Siem Reap church, and served as one of the consultors to the Delegate. Many in Siem Reap would miss his jovial disposition.