Moving forward for Myanmarese and Thai scholastics

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Sch Wilbert Mireh (MYN) has been approved for theology, and will be continuing his theological studies at Loyola School of Theology, Manila, Philippines. He will be a member of the Arrupe International Residence. Congratulations to Wilbert for his two years of teaching at Xavier School, Truk, Micronesia. Wilbert will begin theology at the beginning of June, 2009. Sch Francis Htjaru (MYN) is assigned to Jesuit Refugee Service, Mae Hong Sohn, Thailand. Sch Francis Ling Khui Shing (MYN) is assigned in formation, teaching and social outreach ministries. Congratulations to Khui Shing on his finishing his B.A. at the Ateneo de Manila. Sch John Lin Yaw Mana (MYN) is assigned to Xavier School, Truk, Micronesia, and will begin his teaching in August 2009, the beginning of the new academic year there. Congratulations to Lin Yaw also on finishing his B.A. at the Ateneo de Manila. Sch Peter Chawalit Chairak “Top” (TAI) is assigned to do his philosophy and B.A. at Driyarkara School of Philosophy in Jakarta, Indonesia. He successfully finished his juniorate program at the end of March 2009, and will return to Thailand for the regional retreat, and then proceed on to Yogyakarta for three months of intensive Bahasa studies, before he begins philosophy in mid-August, 2009.

Nine novices are approved for first vows. There are six for the Myanmar Mission. They will take their vows on May 1. For the Region of Thailand, there are three: Charles Nopparut Ruankool, Dominic Savio Surayuth Konsupap, and Francis Xavier Pipat Muepae. The three Thai novices will take their vows on May 5 in Chiangmai, Thailand, to coincide with the last day of Thailand’s regional retreat.

All nine of these new scholastics are assigned to do their philosophy at Driyarkara, Jakarta, Indonesia. They will be in Yogyakarta around May 15, and be engaged in intensive study of Bahasa Indonesia, with professors from Sanata Dharma University. Around August 15, they will move to Jakarta and be living as members of the various five scholastic/philosopher communities. We have much to be thankful for. (Contributor: Fr Paul Pollock)