Spiritual Exercises in Spain

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Fr Francesc Riera Figueras, Superior of the Community at the Cave of St. Ignatius in Manresa, Spain sends this invitation to all Jesuits, religious and lay people who are looking for a place to have their spiritual exercises, “We would like that our ‘holy place’, the birth-place of Ignatian spirituality where Ignatius wrote the core of the Exercises, could become a home for all Jesuits and other religious or lay people in order to practice the Spiritual Exercises for a full month.

JCEAO April – June 2009 Activities

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  • April 13 – 15: Theological Cooperation Working Group Meeting, LST
  • April 15 – 16: JCEAO Consultors Meeting, JCEAO Office
  • May 25 – June 5: Local Superiors’ Workshop, EAPI
  • May 29 – 30: Meeting of Preparatory Group for Social Apostolate Workshop, JCEAO Office
  • June 1 – 2: Development Officers’ Meeting, San Jose Seminary, AdMU, Philippines

JCEAO President’s Schedule for April – June 2009

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  • April 15 – 16: JCEAO Consult Meeting, JCEAO Office
  • April 17 – May 20: Sabbatical
  • May 21 – 27: In Cambodia for Jub Phokthavi’s Priesthood Ordination
  • June 3 – 9: In Rome
  • June 19 – 28: East Timor visit
  • June 29 – July 6: In Sydney, Australia for Province Gathering