The new Jesuit Social Apostolate database is now online

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All Jesuits and partners in mission are welcome to utilize this new site,, which seeks to profile the breadth and range of Jesuit social action, analysis and advocacy across the world. Using data from the Universal Catalogue of the Social Apostolate (2008) as a primary source, the website arranges centres by their thematic focus. You may select from among 35 languages and then navigate the data by interactive mapping, keyword search or alphabetical/thematic listing. The site also includes blogging and calendar features for registered users and an easy link for authorized updates, revisions and new additions. Note: a centre needs to maintain a website to be listed.

Wisconsin Provincial, G. Thomas Krettek SJ, who envisioned the website, observes, “General Congregation 35 emphasized the universal dimension of the Society and the importance of effective networking. I am hopeful that this website might help to encourage our collective work and shared mission, increase our familiarity with one another and thereby advance common apostolic goals. May it familiarize us with the important contributions of the social sector and attract others to join us.” (John Sealey (Source: SJS Headlines 2009/05)