JRS Thailand moving to Xavier Hall

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After discussions with Fr Bernard Arputhasamy, JRS Regional Director, and Mr. Aden Raj, Thailand Country Director, Fr Paul Pollock, Superior of Thailand Region, is happy to announce that the JRS country office will now move to Xavier Hall, and incorporate itself with the JRS-Asia Pacific offices. There are sufficient rooms and spaces available on the first and second floors of the office building to allow this increase of personnel. The move is to the advantage of JRS country staff, who will have an easier time in coordinating logistics with the regional offices and personnel. The move also utilizes space that is now under-used by the regional team. At the same time, this arrangement will be a great help to reduce the overhead of the Thailand country office, and that means that the donors’ funding will be used more fully for the projects, reducing the need for huge overhead expenditures.

Jesuit Refugee Service has been in Thailand since its very inception by Fr Arrupe. The move from Soi Areesamphan to Anusawareechai begins this month of October 2009. (Contributor: Fr Paul Pollock)