New faces, new facility at EAPI

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Since June 2009, new members have joined the Staff community. Fr James Meehan (PHI) joined the EAPI to help out with the spiritual accompaniment. Fr Arthur Leger (MIC) to assist in the academics. A Salesian priest, Fr. Dennis Paez, has also joined to be a course co-coordinator and resource person in the Sabbatical Pilgrimage Experience.

A multi-purpose hall (MPC) is being constructed on what used to be the garage and stockroom of the EAPI. The MPC is designed primarily for lecture/seminar setting and event which can accommodate around 80 persons. This can also be rented by outsiders. Indeed, Fr Jeyaraj Rasiah (SRI), the Director, never seemed to stop in improving the Institution’s physical features and upgrading the facilities to modern standards. (Contributor: Mr Ronald Yago)