2010 has much to look forward to, especially in movements of people. Fr Norris Seenivasan (MAS) will depart for tertianship, Fr William J Currie (JPN) is returning to Japan Province and Br Dinh Ngoc Tinh (ASL) is returning to Australian Province.
The community will soon be welcoming Bro Juan S. Ngiraibuuch (NYK) as the new Minister, Fr Benedict Jung Kang-Yup (KOR) the Director of Juniorate (also Socius to JCAP President), Fr Eko Budi Santoso (IDO) Assistant Director of Juniorate (also studying MA in Mathematics at Ateneo) and Fr Frank Doyle (CHN) Spiritual Father. We are very much grateful for Micronesia, Korea, Indonesia and China for making these men available for the important work of formation our young men.
Some current staff will be given new assignments. Fr Jeffrey G.L. Chang (CHN) for the role of Prefect of Studies for the Theologians and Fr Joseph Lester C Maramara (PHI) will be available to work with the Philosophers.
. . . and how December 2009 had been:
Year 2009 had been a year of much blessings to the Arrupe Community, that we have nothing but grateful hearts to thank God and thank our home provinces and regions as well as many benefactors for their constant support making our formation possible in Arrupe International Residence.
The year had ended with the installation of ministry of readers by Fr Mark Raper (ASL), the President of JCEAO, on December 2nd, to our eight brothers Christopher Omolo (AOR), Dirga Bernardus (IDO), Paulini Zhai (CHN), Matthew Tan (MAS), Mark Aloysius (MAS), Sanjeeva Fernando (SRI), Sebastian Koh (MAS), and Thushara Sampath (SRI) who are currently in first year theology formation at Loyola School of Theology on their way of preparation for priesthood and ministry of service.
At the same day, Fr Mark Raper concluded his annual visitation to AIR with an inspiring and encouraging exhortation to the whole community. Expressing his gratitude and delightfulness of listening and talking with each of us during the individual manifestation of conscience, Fr Mark exhorted us mainly on three points. Firstly, on three stages of formation which are the very components of Arrupe community. To the juniors, Juniorate is, he said, the school of building up the inner structure of Jesuit way of life as juniors move into life of studies from the programmed life of novitiate. It is the time of exteriorization of Jesuit way of proceeding. To the philosophers, he urged them to be brave and dedicated in facing the great challenge of intensive learning and opening up to the deep sense of meaning of life and of everything. And finally to the theologians, he commanded them to integrate their experiences of regency into faith experience of theological formation. Secondly, on community life, inspired by GC 35 stating community as the very mission of every Jesuit, Fr. Mark Raper said, community is not to live in nor to live for, but to live with. Intimacy and affection to one another are not automatic things but require our efforts to make them possible. Thirdly, on prayer, it goes without saying that prayer is the essential part of our lives. Learning praying of the poor and of children, we are encouraged to attain the intimacy with Christ and to make room for Christ in the depth of our heart.
The year closed with the celebration of Christmas. The community was privileged to be entertained by various Christmas caroling groups. Their message of joy and peace was extended not only to the house employees and their family members as we held a Christmas party for them on December 12, expressing our deep gratitude for their humble services to the community, but also to the members of Communication Workshop that took place from December 17 – 30 organized by Scholastics and Brothers’ Circle (SBC) committees. It culminated with the community gathered at New Year’s Eve to welcome the New Year.