Promoting a Culture of Peace

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The year of 2010 is a special year for Studio Audio Visual (SAV) Puskat. In this year SAV Puskat celebrates the 40th anniversary (1970-2010). The celebration is on every 15th of August. In this special occasion, first of all, through this publication, allow us – SAV Puskat – to express our deep gratitude to all of you who have supported our activities and cooperated with us during these last 40 years.

Since it was established, the main works of SAV Puskat are production of audio visual/TV programs and training on media communication. Working in media, indeed, brings us into the situation of tension pulling us both to God and being plunged to the heart of the world at the same time. Our main concern are producing and using media to promote Gospel values and peace building, dialog among religions and cultures, people empowerment, and preserving the environment. In brief, SAV Puskat has a mission to promote a culture of peace and harmony. In cooperation with many parties, in the year of 2010, SAV Puskat produces 26 religious TV programs, 22 video programs (14 telenovelas and 8 documentaries) and conducts 24 communication training.

Catholic Religious Programs on Indosiar TV Station

In 2010 we produce 26 new Catholic religious TV programs broadcast by a nation wide TV stasion, PT. Indosiar Visual Mandiri Tbk. Jakarta to the whole archipelago. Each of these programs is broadcast twice. The programs are in magazine format, with a presenter who asked the audiences to watch talk-show on actual events or bible themes, documentaries, short films, and video clips. This program is broadcast every week on Sunday at 6.00 in the morning.

The programs are produced in-door in our studio for the presenter and out-door in various places around Indonesia. In 2010 there are more children groups participated in the programs. And we are able to produce films in the parts of Eastern Indonesia, West Papua and Sumba.

Only 13 of these programs are supported financially by SIGNIS (35%), while the rest are produced using our local contribution. Financially, it is quite a heavy job. But if we do not continue this job, the Church will lose her opportunity to be present in mass media. That is why we cooperate with parishes, schools, and work together with some religious congregations to produce the programs. We also keep a good relationship with the Indosiar TV Station.

Based on SIGNIS World Congress 2009 in Chiangmai Thailand, we still put our concern and emphasize the promotion of justice, peace and preservation of the environment through media, especially by addressing the issue of children’s rights. Once again, we emphasize that this is a very actual concern as suggested by Jesuit General Congregation 35, decree 3, art. 12: “In this global world marked by such profound changes, we now want to deepen our understanding of the call to serve faith, promote justice, and dialogue with culture and other religions in the light of the apostolic mandate to establish right relationships with God, with one another, and with creations.” We are glad that the main theme of SIGNIS Asia Assembly 2010 in Surabaya is “Cultivate Peace, Protect Creation; Media’s Role.”

Video Programs (telenovela & documentary)

In addition to 26 new religious TV programs, we also produce at least 22 video programs (12 telenovelas on Character Building, 2 telenovelas on woman empowerment, and 8 documentaries) on various topics, such as culture, environment, spirituality, character building, people empowerment and company profile. We work together with NGOs, government institutions, schools, and religious congregations. We have done film shooting in various places and provinces around Indonesia, such as in: Bekasi (West Java), Jakarta, Papua (Eastern Part of Indonesia), Semarang (Central Java), Bandung and Cisarua (West Java), Waikabubak-Weetebula in Sumba (Estern Part of Indonesia), Surabaya-Madiun-Ponorogo (East Java) and Yogyakarta, etc. From these video programs, we are able to finance our daily operational cost, overhead and salary. But to upgrade the studio equipment we have to ask for donation from other parties.

The titles of the documentary films we have produced until August 2010 are: Be Happy, Be Healthy: RS St. Elisabeth, Bekasi (Health);The Legend of Amungme (Environment and Culture); The Legend of Kamoro (Environment and Culture); ASI, Sumber Air Kehidupan (Women Empowerment);Menyusui Menurut Perintah Tuhan (Women Empowerment);  The Forest of Wonosobo (Environment), and others.

Community Development

In cooperation with the people of Minomartani village, we organize a community radio which is on air daily from 4:00 to 12:00 p.m. The people can share their aspiration, stories and songs via this community radio. We also organize a village hall where children, women and villagers can express their ideas through art and music performances.

Communication Training

In the year of 2010, we conduct 24 kinds of communication training in and outside our studio. The training are: Popular Theater (45 participants); Training on TV Production (5 times; 51 participants, including 17 journalists from PMI – The Red Cross And Red Crescent Federation, Indonesia), Audio Visual and Religious Education (3 times; 154 participants); Workshop on Media Education (8 times, 484 participants), Public Speaking (50 participants); and Audio Visual Retreat (4 times; religious congregation and teachers: 169 participants). The strength of our training are the experienced tutors in production, sufficient equipments, conducive environment, good teamwork of the tutors, and full accompaniment from the tutors to the participants during the training process.

As General Congregation of the Jesuits 35th says that there is no reality that is only profane for those who know how to look, and inspired by the book Finding God in the Dark (written by Frs. Pungente S.J. and William S.J.), we continue to develop an audiovisual retreat which integrating Spiritual Exercises with audio visual programs and environment. We train the participants to see the world as Saint Ignatius did. (GC 35, d. 2, art. 10). This kind of retreat helps them to find God in their own life. More and more teachers and religious congregations ask for this kind of retreat.

Realizing that today’s consumerism cultures do not foster passion and zeal but rather addiction and realizing the phenomena of global warming, during the retreat we focus our reflection on this topic: “Media, Spirituality and Environment”.

The 40th Anniversary of  SAV Puskat

During the year 2010 we celebrate the 40th anniversary of SAV Puskat by conducting some activities. Indeed, it is a good time for consolidation, reflection and planning for our future. Though we do our activities as usual but we are in a special mood of deep gratitude to the Lord who always accompany our journey and services to the people. Our activities for this celebration are: a) One day recreation and out-bound for Puskat’s staff (January 20, 2010); b) a training workshop on public relation for Puskat’s staff (April 2010); c) publishing a special book on “Media, Spirituality and Peace Building” entitling “Do Media Respect Life?” (August 15, 2010); e) a small party and door-prize for Puskat’s staff (August 16, 2010); f) one day of recollection for Puskat’s staff (August 28, 2010); g) art performances with the community of Sinduharjo Village Hall and MInomartani Village Hall which also celebrate its 16th anniversary and its 21th anniversary (after Ramadhan); h) a seminar on media education by inviting Mr. Augy Loorthusamy (the President of SIGNIS World) and Ms. Ayu Utami (a novelist and journalist) on September 27, 2010; and i) Holy Eucharist Celebration together with Catechetical Center which celebrates its 50th anniversary at Puskat Kotabaru (October 24, 2010).

And for all of our work today and in the future, we are still asking for your prayers and support, to make our dreams come true.

By: Y.I. Iswarahadi, S.J.
Yogyakarta, August 15, 2010

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