Education of the head, the heart and the hands

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In a speech delivered at the recent Sophia Symposium in Tokyo, Fr Mark Raper SJ, President of the Jesuit Conference of Asia Pacific, argued for a view of education as “formation for decision and for action: education of the head, the heart and the hands”.

Advocating a pedagogy in which reflection is central, Fr Mark sees the role of education as leading students to love the world, to assume responsibility for it, and to acquire tools in order to renew it.

As such, universities need to go beyond the core business of providing education in competence and critical thinking.

“Too many schools and universities busy themselves with covering the curriculum. But here at Sophia and in a Jesuit university, I like to think we concern ourselves with uncovering the curriculum. That is, pausing and digging deeper. Reflection is where meaning is allowed to surface from human experience. That makes the difference,” said Fr Mark.

“That kind of critical thinking should often have you testing the strength of public opinion – especially when it is inaccurate or deliberately deceitful. That kind of critical thinking should have you asking: What is behind the financial crisis, why are these banks collapsing? What are the root causes of misspending and corruption? Why am I so fortunate when others go without?”

From reflection comes compassion, which gives a compass and leads to action.

Fr Mark said education should show students where their heart is – to help them “become large-hearted, whole-hearted, and to speak from the heart in truth and with integrity” and “to discover happiness in supporting our brothers and sisters – especially those who are the least, the lost or the last”.

It should create “generous hands that put gifts and talents at the service of others; strong hands that will take up the fight to uphold justice when delayed or denied; compassionate hands that will welcome and tend those who, in their need, have the greatest claim on us”.

The 31st International Symposium (Sophia Symposium) “Education with a Social Dimension: the Challenges of Globalization” was organised by the Institute of Global Concern, Sophia University and Social Science Research Institute, International Christian University. It was held at Sophia University on December 10, 2011.

To read Fr Mark’s speech, click here.