On Global Ignatian Advocacy Networks

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The Social Justice and Ecology Secretariat has released “Promotio Iustitiae no.110”, a document dedicated to the Global Ignatian Advocacy Networks, which are centred on five areas – Ecology, Right to Education, Management of Natural Resources and Minerals, Migration, and Peace and Human Rights.  “Promotio Iustitiae no.110” provides an introduction to the networks, a theological grounding for Ignatian advocacy, a possible model of collaboration, and position documents on each network, including objectives, and plans for future action.

A position document on ecology was released last year in a special issue of “Promotio Iustitiae” under the title “Healing a Wounded World”.

In his editorial in “Promotio Iustitiae no.110”, Fr Patxi Álvarez SJ said, “Our networking around these five themes allows us to coordinate our work at an international level in areas where justice and the life of the poor are at stake. These themes are all important areas in which Jesuits are working … They have been chosen because in different parts of the world the Society has developed initiatives and institutions that respond to these concerns and that are seeking to coordinate their efforts. As a result, we can now hope for a type of collaboration that will produce to a more effective apostolic response. The networks aspire to have at the international level a united public voice that defends the victims. This is a challenge quite suited to the Society’s vocation of universality.”

To read “Promotio Iustitiae no.110“, click here.