Collaborating for education in Myanmar

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Ateneo de Davao University (AdDU) in the Philippines has been working with the St Aloysius Gonzaga English Language Institute (SAG) in Myanmar to enhance its capabilities. 

Located in a country with few opportunities for education, SAG offers an alternative mode of education as a school that teaches English to students who have finished their state high school studies and wish to acquire proficiency in English with a view to further studies or future employment.  SAG also offers an Integrated Programme, which integrates the study of humanities and social sciences in the study of English, for young people between the ages of 18 and 21.

The Capability Enhancement Programme is a five-year partnership between the two Jesuit education institutes.  Under the terms of the formal agreement signed in November 2012, Ateneo de Davao will provide instructors to conduct seminars and workshops for SAG instructors, award non-degree Diplomas of Education to graduates of SAG Integrated Programme, and provide scholarships in the Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree programmes for SAG instructors.

SAG training by Ateneo de Davao teachersThe first professional education courses were held at SAG from July 16 to August 31 by two faculty members of the Teacher Education Department – School of Education of Ateneo de Davao. 

The courses were focussed on helping SAG students develop an appreciation of the teaching profession, and SAG faculty improve their professional skills.

In the course on Teaching Profession, students gained a better understanding of the roles and responsibilities of a professional teacher.  They were asked to place themselves in different roles: lawmakers in which they were challenged to suggest possible laws and policies that will take care of the dignity and the welfare of teachers in Myanmar as well as care for and protect the rights of children; school directors and administrators to study the educational systems of selected countries and plan concerted efforts with different sectors in the community; and as a global teacher to map out their career plans for the next 10 years.

In the Assessment of Student Learning and Curriculum Development courses, the SAG faculty were exposed to different tasks such as creating a school vision/mission/goal, developing course syllabi, formulating learning objectives, planning teaching and learning episodes that promote 21st Century skills among students, and constructing implementing, and evaluating tests. 

State school students taking the tests prepared by the SAG students.

The courses were not all academic.  The questionnaires prepared in learning test construction were tested in a state school with pupils from grades 2 to 10.  The trial attracted the interest of some state school teachers and an introduction to “Objective Formulation” and “Table of Specification” was subsequently conducted for seven Taunggyi state school teachers.

The SAG practicum moderators were also taught how practice teaching is done in AdDU and how different mentoring activities can help aspiring teachers develop the skills and gain confidence in teaching.

The Jesuit team at SAG with the visiting Ateneo de Davao faculty: (L to R) Fr Nguyen Van Cao, Fr Wilbert Mireh, Br Joseph Thu Kaung, Br Vedha Stalin Joseph, Fr Paul Dass, Br Gabriel Aung Htoo Naing, Br Mike Tu Aung, Dr Eddelyn Gupeteo, Ms Melanie Galvez, Br Pius Than Naing Lin. The Ateneo de Davao faculty, Dr Eddelyn D Gupeteo and Ms Melanie Jeane C Galvez, also worked with the Jesuit team in SAG to develop the institute’s vision, mission and goals. It took two sessions with the three priests and five brothers to come up with the vision, mission and goals that will eventually serve as a foundation and guide for future activities, projects and engagements of the institute.   The Jesuit team was also encouraged to create a three-year developmental plan.

The activities in this first year of the partnership are just the beginning, and lay out the groundwork for more courses to enhance the capabilities of SAG.  

Main photo: Ateneo de Davao faculty, Dr Eddelyn Gupeteo and Ms Melanie Galvez, with SAG faculty.