Companions in a mission of justice and reconciliation

01 March 2018

Jesuit networking survey results highlight role of schools, other factors in global collaboration

Categories: Beyond JCAP

Educational institutions are without a doubt the Jesuits’ main point of contact with the world, according to survey results published by the Jesuit Networking Project. The online survey led by Entreculturas was conducted from May to August 2017 to better understand the dynamics of collaboration when it comes to the universal mission of the Society of Jesus.

“In the digital world, our main group of influence is that of the alumni of schools and universities, with more than 25 years of involvement with our mission,” said Fr Dani Villanueva SJ, Executive Director at Entreculturas – Fe y Alegría Foundation and Coordinator of the Jesuit Networking Project.

The majority (45 percent) of respondents were from Jesuit schools and universities. About 24 percent identified other institutions, including retreat houses, social centres and social work, as their primary link, while 15 percent claimed lay associations. Only nine percent identified individual Jesuits and seven percent identified their parish.

The survey was answered by 2,710 people, including alumni, collaborators, Jesuits, professors/teachers, members of Christian Life Community and many other groups linked to the Jesuit mission around the world. Although responses were received from almost all parts of the world, the survey had difficulty in getting answers from Asia and Africa.

The most recognised international Jesuit networks are Fe y Alegría, Christian Life Community, Jesuit Refugee Service and the Apostleship of Prayer.

“It is interesting to see how the feeling of being part of ‘something greater’ is very shared,” said Fr Villanueva. On a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the highest, the participants reported their sense of shared identity and values at 8.2. This is followed by spirituality (8.1) and a sense of purpose (7.9). Lay colleagues feel less connected to the Jesuit network than members of the Society of Jesus, and their sense of belonging is primarily based on mission and a sense of purpose.

Fr Villanueva reported that although most apostolic sectors feel a great need for collaboration (somewhat less in the case of parishes and individual Jesuits), it is only in the social apostolate that collaboration really takes place.

“It is very interesting how in educational institutions, there is more difference between the need for collaboration and the reality of it,” he highlighted.

The survey results reflected very high (8.1) overall interest in collaboration, especially focussed on sharing good practices, knowledge and strengthening Jesuit identity and values. The key drivers for collaboration are interest in strengthening Jesuit identity and values, sharing resources and common projects.

The main themes for collaboration are peace and reconciliation, education, social issues (human rights, migrants and refugees, solidarity, marginalisation) and youth.

The respondents identified the main obstacles to collaboration to be the lack of collaborative culture (7.4), lack of structures for collaboration (6.9), unclear purpose (6.8), lack of resources (6.7) and communication difficulties (6.7). Some of the reasons they cited include overload and time constraints (15%), local mentality (13%), lack of clarity on the benefits (13%), lack of inclusion of the laity (12%) and lack of opportunities or knowledge on how to connect (12%).

Their suggestions to improve collaboration are to offer more information on how to participate (16%), have clear objectives and purposes (13%), training (13%), better communication (11%) and better use of the laity (10%).

The results also showed that while respondents are willing to invest talent, time and contacts, they are not as willing to invest funds. Digital communication tools, such as online communities, contact databases and geolocation apps are the preferred means for collaboration, together with regional coordination meetings.

“They show a lot of openness to working through mail and social networks,” observed Fr Villanueva.

Fr Villanueva also found it interesting that 36 percent of the survey was answered in English, 35 percent in Spanish and 12 percent in French. “[This] indicates certain tendencies in the use of languages ​​in the current ‘connected society’.” he said. [Jesuit Networking]

Download the results of the survey here.

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