This Advent Season, the Jesuit magazine La Civilta Cattolica offers the gift of a first-hand and personal account of Pope Francis’ conversations with the Jesuits he meets in his travels with the publication of “Pope Francis: Fraternal and Spontaneous”.
The first in the magazine’s Perspectives series, the e-book includes Pope Francis’ conversation with the Jesuits in Myanmar during his visit to the country in November last year.
Fr Antonio Spadaro SJ, Editor-in-Chief of La Civiltà Cattolica, who records and transcribes the conversations for Pope Francis, writes:
Immediately, directly, intuitively: this is how the message of Pope Francis touches people. His ability to communicate is rooted in a pastoral experience that naturally tends to create authentic relationships. His authority is never expressed rigidly, as if spoken by a statue. Rather, his personality flows into the people with whom he is speaking.
Download the e-book here.