Hope is the path: A global initiative for migrants and refugees

On the International Day of Refugees, the Society of Jesus is launching Paths of Hospitality, a global initiative that seeks to put hospitality and hope at the centre of conversation for people who are forced to flee because of situations of violence and poverty.

More than 108 million people in various parts of the world are displaced due to armed conflict, poverty, and climate change. Paths of Hope wants to generate a future filled with hope for them.

The initiative is led by the Jesuit Social Sector in Spain through their Hospitality Campaign as a response to the call of the Global Ignatian Advocacy Network (GIAN) for Migration to develop a programme that can be replicated in different parts of the world. It is also advocated by Jesuit Refugee Service Europe (JRS Europe), the Jesuit Network with Migrants in Latin America and the Caribbean (RJM LAC) and its Hospitality Dimension, and the International Federation of Fe y Alegría.

Alongside Hospitality Walks, Paths of Hope has released a set of 10 demands directed at government representatives worldwide to stop the discourse that criminalises migrants and instead promote political measures that can guarantee their protection and reception. These demands call for:

  1. Guaranteed asylum rights
  2. Respect for human rights throughout the process
  3. Rejection of fear-based policies
  4. Safe passage, legal status, and integration for refugees
  5. Equal access to justice and due process
  6. Protection of refugees’ physical and emotional well-being
  7. Cultural acceptance
  8. Protection for refugees and those who help them
  9. Addressing the root causes of displacement
  10. A comprehensive approach to refugee needs, considering different groups

Paths of Hospitality runs from 20 June, International Day of Refugees, to 18 December, World Migrants Day, with key milestones throughout.

For more information on how your organisation can take part in Paths of Hospitality, click here.

Watch the Paths of Hospitality video: