Sent to collaborate: Embracing sports and mission

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Formators and formands from four formation houses in Manila came together for a morning of fun and camaraderie at the Scholastics and Brothers Circle (SBC) sportsfest held on 23 August at the Ateneo de Manila University covered courts. The sportsfest is an annual event of the Jesuit Conference Asia Pacific (JCAP) organised by the SBC core team. This year’s theme, “Sent to Collaborate,” serves as a reminder of the spirit of the message of De Statu Societatis—that we are being sent to collaborate in the reconciliation of all things in Christ. As Fr General Arturo Sosa SJ emphasises, we have been sent to collaborate with others in a mission of reconciliation and justice through the four Universal Apostolic Preferences.

JCAP President Fr Jun Viray SJ presided over the opening Mass with former JCAP Formation Delegate Fr Riyo Mursanto SJ and his successor, Fr Wardi Saputra SJ, concelebrating. Afterwards, the group numbering about 120 Jesuits—scholastics, brothers, and priests—gathered for a group photo. Our hosts, Italian Scholastic Lorenzo Zura SJ and Filipino Scholastic Jerome Maambong SJ, warmly welcomed all the participants coming from Arrupe International Residence, Loyola House of Studies, Sacred Heart Novitiate, Arvisu House, and other Philippine Jesuits, including Fr Xavier Olin SJ, the Provincial of the Philippine Province.

In his welcome remarks, Fr Viray highlighted the need for integral Jesuit formation, offering words that were both consoling and inspiring for us young Jesuits living in these times. Subsequently, Scholastic Xuan Danh Nguyen from Vietnam led the Oath of Sportsmanship, and Fr Viray lit the torch, officially marking the start of the sportsfest. The group then divided into four teams: Red, Yellow, Green, and Blue. We enjoyed various games, including futsal, basketball, badminton, volleyball, chess, and Uno, and fostered collaboration as we played together.

Photo by Jeff Ryan Miraflor SJ
Photo by Joao FJ Barreto SJ
Photo by Jeff Ryan Miraflor SJ
Photo by Jeff Ryan Miraflor SJ

After a morning full of games, the yellow team emerged as the champion and received a trophy, while tokens of participation and appreciation were given to all the formation houses. The SBC core team and committee also arranged refreshments and lunch. Fr Heru Murcahyana SJ, the Minister of Arrupe International Residence, blessed the food. We ate and thanked the Lord for his protection for everyone, as none of us encountered accidents or injuries during the games. The SBC sportsfest enabled us to get to know one another better, strengthen our bonds as companions, step away from our books, and enjoy some physical activity while celebrating the joy of our Jesuit vocation.

Petras George SJ from Pakistan is in his first year of theology studies at the Loyola School of Theology in Manila. He lives in Arrupe International Residence with about 40 Jesuits from across Asia Pacific, South Asia, Europe, and Africa.