Targeted outputs:
6a. Consolidation:
- The mission of each theology or philosophy program is examined with deans, school councils, local church leaders, and provincial consults over 2021-2015 to discern whether there is sufficient reason to continue institutionally (at least through 2030) or plan for consolidation.
6b. Networking and collaboration:
- Regular meetings among Deans of theological and philosophical centers are held to facilitate communication, collaboration, cooperation & networking (inperson once a year, online twice a year).
- A database of Asia Pacific Jesuit Theology & Philosophy online coursework is established and possibilities of accepting students from other member schools are explored during 2022-2023.
- A framework for theology programs to accept cross-registration from students at other institutions; and recognize credits for students who study at other schools is initiated from 2021.
- Arrangements for visiting professors and exchange of professors among the centers (and beyond JCAP) is enhanced over 2022-2024.
- Cooperative research projects or conferences are organized from 2024.
6c. ATP at LST:
The full-time professor (IDO) is maintained and additional faculty are missioned (MAS, etc). Potential future personnel are identified and sent for doctoral studies by 2025 (esp. VIE, MYN, KOR).
Responsible team: JCAP Network of Deans of Theological and Philosophical Centers in collaboration with other units and sectors. Review of theological centers (6a) will be led by a team involving Major Superiors.