In his effort to gain knowledge of the social apostolates in the various units of the EAO Assistancy, Fr Denis Kim (KOR), EAO Social Apostolate Secretary, visited Japan last December 21 – 27. Fr Kim wrote, “The encounter… has become an inspiring refresh for my role as an Assistancy secretariat. Although I have heard that the Jesuit mission is mainly centered on education in Japan, my visit makes me realize that the Jesuit social apostolate is not weak in the Province. I count the visit as a blessing, through which I can see the beauty and hard work of my fellow companions. This time I have been privileged to visit the homeless ministry of Fr. Shimokawa in Shibuywa, the multi-cultural ministry of Fr. Ando at Umeda parish in Tokyo, and the Jesuit social apostolate centers in Osaka and Shimonoseki. Each apostolate seems to uniquely respond to the social issues of our time in Japan.”