JCAP releases report for 2012

The Jesuit Conference of Asia Pacific has produced a modest 16-page annual report, simply titled “Jesuits in Asia Pacific 2012”. 

The 16-page document begins with a report by the President, Fr Mark Raper SJ, on the Conference in 2011, and contains articles on the four common priority areas across the Conference – Jesuit Formation, the education project in Timor Leste, Environment and Migration.  It concludes with a brief description of our Conference.

In “Forming Jesuits for Asia Pacific”, we discuss the detailed JCAP document on formation entitled “A Profile of a Formed Jesuit for Asia Pacific”, and how the Loyola School of Theology is implementing the Asian mandate for theological education. 

The vision of an educational institute” paints a picture of Instituto de Educação Jesuíta, the education project in Timor Leste that comprises a teacher education academy and a secondary school.

In “A sacred sense of ecology”, we discuss our Environmental Way of Proceeding, which was developed by the JCAP Ecology Task Force as an introduction to the action of reconciliation with creation.

For migration, we have chosen in “Living with our neighbours” to shine the spotlight on Yiutsari, the Jesuit centre for migrant workers in South Korea, as an example of the many local Jesuit works serving migrants in Asia Pacific. 

To download Jesuits in Asia Pacific 2012, click here.  If you would like a printed copy, please email jcapsj@jcapsj.org.