Images from the Covid-19 situation of refugees in Karen State

Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons in Karen State attend a session on how to avoid Covid-19

The Covid-19 outbreak caused the border between Thailand and Myanmar to close, also effectively closing off refugees living in the IDP camps in Karen State, Myanmar. The refugees are unable to buy food and other basic necessities they would usually get on the Thailand border.  

Saw Htoo, a teacher at the IDP school in Karen State, shares how the students are being affected by the closure of the border. There are more than 500 students in the school, and they get educational support from organisations. Their education is hampered by the pandemic, as there is no way to cross from Thailand to Myanmar. A few organisations are helping students who are studying on the Thailand border to return to the IDP camp. As for Saw Htoo, himself, he received a scholarship in February to study in Thailand, but until the border opens, he will not be able to travel and study. 

These photos taken by Saw Htoo show the “untold stories” of refugees and internally displaced persons living in the camp in Karen State during this time of isolation 

Students are taught to wash their hands to stop the spread of infection and disease.

The school’s staff checks the temperature of the students every day. 

This is the IDP camp’s hospital, which is also being used as a quarantine facility. 

The nurse checks the temperature of her patients every day at the clinic. 


Narongdet Chuanchuenchom is a student at Xavier Learning Community, a Jesuit institution of higher learning in Chiang Rai, Thailand. He worked as a volunteer teacher in Karen State, Myanmar.