Global Ignatian family to pray together this Season of Creation

On the night of 25 September, the global Ignatian family will come together as one apostolic body to pray for ecological justice and conversion, particularly during this Season of Creation.

Fr Xavier Jeyaraj SJ, Secretary for Social Justice and Ecology at the General Curia in Rome, which is leading the event, said this is the time to join others in prayer and action in caring for our common home.

“This year, amidst the pandemic crisis that has shaken our world, we are awakened to the urgent need to heal our relationships with creation and with each other,” he said. “The Season of Creation is a time to renew our relationship with our Creator and all creation through celebration, conversion, and commitment together.”

The theme of the prayer vigil is Breathing Together and focusses on the three lungs of the earth: the Amazon, the Congo basin, and the Asian forests. Besides interactive prayers, it will include personal testimonies of indigenous peoples, as well as a reflection from the Jesuit Superior General, Fr Arturo Sosa SJ.

Everyone is enjoined to log on to the Society of Jesus’ YouTube channel on Friday, 25 September, at 8pm Manila time, 8pm New York time, and 8pm Rome time for the live broadcast of the prayer. The vigil will last no more than 45 minutes.

“Our planet earth is longing for fresh breath and for this we need the grace of God. We know that we need the gift of the Holy Spirit to regenerate that fresh breath and overcome the de-breathing that is taking place,” said Fr Jeyaraj. “Now, perhaps more than ever before, we realise that we need the new breath of the Holy Spirit. We pray for this together, as a worldwide community of ‘friends in the Lord.’”

More information on the prayer vigil can be found here.

To watch this video with Chinese subtitles, click here.