Supporting the Myanmar Church with ARC

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A socio-pastoral resource centre has been set up to help the Church in Myanmar meet the emerging new challenges in the country.  Established by the Jesuits in Myanmar, the Animation and Resource Centre (ARC) aims to produce resource material and build up a knowledge centre to serve the Church; Karuna Myanmar Social Services (KMSS), a faith based social network established by the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Myanmar to serve the poor and the needy; and other organisations.

ARC was inaugurated by Archbishop Charles Bo of Yangon on December 1.  Archbishop Bo commended the Jesuits for always taking the next step and steadily building their works.

According to Fr C Amal SJ, an Indian Jesuit missioned to Myanmar, the many seminars, training sessions and retreats held during the last four years led the Jesuits to reflect on the need for a resource centre.  The centre will begin by serving the Church but the aim is for it to eventually collaborate with civil society as well.

It will focus on building up a knowledge centre for the local Church, networking with local and international resource centres, training local Church personnel, interacting with Myanmar civil society, initiating social research, and protecting and promoting the local culture.

“This is a very small beginning,” said Fr Amal. “We need staff – field workers, researchers, trainers, and documentation professionals. Much is happening in Myanmar.  ARC wishes to be part of the reflection and animation process.”