Final Vows: Signifying our humility before God and others

The Indonesian Province of the Society of Jesus was filled with joie-de-vivre with the profession of Final Vows of Fathers Agustinus Sarwanto SJ and Ignatius Dradjat Soesilo SJ, and Br Yohannes Paulus Sunari SJ before Indonesian Provincial Fr Benedictus Hari Juliawan SJ in the Chapel of St Bellarminus, Sanata Dharma University in Yogyakarta on 31 October, Feast of St Alphonsus Rodriguez.

The Final Vows signify a Jesuit’s willingness to live fully as he is finally incorporated into the universal Society of Jesus. The main grace requested in this joyful event, as exemplified in the life of St Alphonsus and the readings at the Mass, was humility. The vows do not give one wealth or worldly power. Instead it is a commitment to service. The three Jesuits who professed Final Vows asked for the will to serve God and others fully in the Society of Jesus. They also asked for the grace of humility to give their whole life to God and all their neighbours. The vows are special weapons that can help them deal with the various situations they encounter in their apostolic works. Father Provincial invited everyone to support our three companions in the Lord to “embrace the Society’s way of life to the fullest”.

At the end of the Mass, Fr Sarwanto, on behalf of his two companions, conveyed their gratitude to all their brothers in the Society, all their donors, and partners in mission.


Contributed by Fr Ignasius Windar Santoso SJ and translated into English by Hermanus Wahyaka