On the 100th anniversary of Ignatius College in Yogyakarta on 16 February, the Indonesian Province celebrated the priestly ordination of five Jesuit deacons: Yohanes Deodatus, Fransiskus Asisi Wylly Suhendra, Agustinus Daryanto, Yulius Suroso, and Antonius Siwi Dharma Jati. They were ordained by Mgr Robertus Rubiyatmoko, Archbishop of Semarang. Indonesian Provincial, Fr Benedictus Hari Juliawan SJ, and Acting Rector of Kolsani, Fr Paulus Suparno SJ, concelebrated the Eucharistic celebration.
The newly ordained priests chose an excerpt from the Spiritual Exercises of St Ignatius of Loyola as the motto of their ordination: “Give me your love and graces, and I have all that I need.” This phrase, they said, emphasises that their priesthood is all God’s grace and love and not their own perfection and strength. They want to be constantly reminded to depend on God’s grace in serving the people entrusted to them.
Before the newly ordained priests gave their first blessing, Father Provincial announced their mission in the various apostolic works of the Indonesian Province. Fr Daryanto is missioned to serve the Student Chaplaincy of Yogyakarta as the associate chaplain. Fr Siwi will go to the Parish of St Theresia in Jakarta as associate parish priest while preparing for special studies in Paris. Fr Wylly will serve as associate parish priest of the Church of Our Friend in Nabire for six months before joining the teaching staff of YPPK Adhi Luhur High School this coming academic year. Fr Deodatus is missioned in the Cathedral Church of Jakarta as associate parish priest and Fr Suroso will join Gonzaga High School in Jakarta as a moderator. [Indonesian Province Communications team]