4.1 Heeding the call of Pope Francis, we will accompany the local church to pursue the mission of evangelization and promote synodality and discernment. We will also contribute towards building a culture of safeguarding of minors and vulnerable adults.
Targeted outputs:
4a. Accompaniment of local churches for the Synod 2021-2023 is done through formation and facilitation of communal discernment and spiritual conversation.
4b. Several batches of senior pastoral leaders in Asia Pacific undergo formation in the Discerning Leadership Program in 2022-2025.
4c. The role of East Asian Pastoral Institute (EAPI) in capacity building for the Church is enhanced, including residential, online programs, extension programs and research activities. EAPI will also need to innovate towards a new platform of Sabbatical Programs.
4d. Safeguarding:
- Basic Orientation Workshop (BOWS) in Sep 2021 to promote Culture of Safeguarding in all Jesuit Houses and Missions
- Incorporation of Culture of Safeguarding into Stages of Formation of Jesuits Brothers and Scholastics as well as in lay partners’ formation
- Training of Safeguarding Administrative Staff (Leaders/ Officers/ Directors of Work for every Jesuit Apostolate/Mission) in 2023-2025, and establishing structures (safeguarding desks) in Jesuit Apostolates/ Missions
- Connecting Safeguarding Culture with Spiritual life (Ignatian Spirituality) and Accountability plus Psycho-spiritual Growth in regular accompaniment of Dioceses by Ignatian Spirituality Centers in 2022-2024, extending beyond safety towards spirituality, as a strategy to prevent abuse. The need to adapt to cultures and contexts in Asia Pacific will be borne in mind.
We also had already the tool for sharing files and information of safeguarding issues. We realize that we have many challenges, which are (1) we are not a full-timer as a delegate in each province, except for Australian Province; we have limited men power, (2) we face multicultural issues so we need to learn more about how to handle report and also difficult to open or speak up about child sexual abuse in term of multicultural situation/ cultural block. We have been trying to communicate with all major superior to ensure that they have the PIC of Safeguarding in their units.
Responsible teams: JCAP leadership development team, EAPI, and JCAP Safeguarding Coordinator in collaboration with province safeguarding delegates, Catholic Safeguarding Institute, formation houses.