SAG Summer Outreach Program 2009

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This Summer of 2009, St. Aloysius Gonzaga English Language Institute (SAGELI, also known as SAG in Taunggyi) carried out an Outreach Program in the Diocese of PheKhon in collaboration with some different organizations such as Pyoe Khinn Education Center in PheKhon, and an Italian based NGO known as AVSI.

Moved by one common concern which is better education for the younger generations, each organization did its best for all the 162 participants of this Summer Outreach Program. While SAG provided teaching services and some text books, Pyoe Khinn provided food and accommodation, and AVSI generously sponsors about forty students financially. There are also about forty students from various parishes of the Diocese of Phe Khon joining this summer program. All in all, out of 149 students, only 9 students passed in the first exam where as 140 students took the second exam and 74 of them made it. In the final exam, 151 students took the exam and 90 of them passed it.

Being at the very heart of the field, SAG felt the weight of this humble, noble endeavor in a most personal way. Due to the limited availability of teachers, SAG could manage about 120 students only, and the actual number of 162 students was quite a load. But the improvement that the students made during the course was truly encouraging.

A survey showed that 100 % students found this Summer English Program certainly helpful and were very happy about it. Some felt that they were now better at vocabularies and grammars. Some said that the course boosted their self-confidence while others expressed deep gratitude to all the SAG teachers, Bro Titus Tin Maung, Tr. Daisy Kimu, Tr. Aung Mar Lar Soe and Tr. Gerrard. Sensing their teachers’ selfless services, some students felt a certain responsibility that they too needed to help one another and be good citizens. Being the first of its kind, it was truly valuable for them. While some requested that this program be done every year, others suggested if they could have only English in the entire course so that they may be able to invest all their time and concentration, and reap much fruits in the end.

Since this Summer English Program has been a common enterprise, SAG is truly happy with the cooperation among the different organizations. SAG is proud to be able to share a part in educating some poor yet promising young people. (Contributor: Bro. Titus Tin Maung)