Climate Conversations in Mindanao

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“Conversations 2009” in Davao amongst the universities and apostolates brought a clear focus to what Jesuit institutions can do, even though they may not seem to be the experts. Clearly it is everyone’s concern and interest to adapt in the face of climate change. Davao, already expecting to have a dryer climate in the future, is sure to draw up numerous responses. Xavier University named as “Provincial Institute for Agriculture” by Commission on Higher Education (CHED) has much to do in securing the necessary adaptations of a wetter climate along the north of Mindanao. Commitment to “Peace and Development,” as the overall topic, obviously puts Zamboanga to the forefront of actives.

Most notable was Alber Husin’s reaction paper on recent killings in Mindanao. He revealingly documented the extent to which redo and inter clan fighting is the cause of many encounters, as is the magahat with some Lumad, along with the availability of arms, rather that direct clashes of opposing armies. Mindanawon still leads in its support of Indigenous Peoples and it also takes up the challenges aroused by mining in its areas. Also present were Fr Mat Sanchez (PHI) and Fr Bogs Tapidor (PHI) who continue to give strength to the pastoral mission that started 150 years ago as a renewed commitment of Jesuits to Mindanao.

Contributor: Fr Pedro Walpole