Do not be afraid

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The Resurrection from San Pedro Church, Gijon, Spain

Dear friends,

Easter is a season of courage and hope.  In one Easter narrative, we are told about Mary Magdalene and the other Mary who both left the empty tomb quickly.  They were “fearful yet overjoyed” upon realising that Jesus was no longer in the tomb and that he had risen from the dead.  They wanted to announce the good news to the disciples who remained fearful.  The greeting of Jesus to the women is characteristically Easter:  “Do not be afraid.”   Then Jesus gave them an instruction:  “Go tell my brothers to go to Galilee, and there they will see me.”

The public ministry started in Galilee.  There the disciples witnessed for themselves the signs and wonders Jesus performed.  Henceforth, in Galilee, with the experience of the risen Lord, they were to become the bearers of good news.

Interestingly, as belief in the resurrection of the Lord arose among the believers, others wanted to propagate “fake news”.  Led by the chief priests and the elders, they instructed the soldiers who had told them about all that had happened to spread the news that the disciples of Jesus stole his body while people were asleep.  The soldiers were given money to follow the instruction of the chief priests.  While the good news of the resurrection of Jesus spread rapidly, the fake news about his body being stolen likewise became a competing narrative.

In our struggle to promote good news amidst the proliferation of fake news, like the women who witnessed the risen Lord, we are invited to have courage and hope.  The works that we do in Asia Pacific are anchored in our belief in the risen Lord who continues to inspire us with the same words: “Be not afraid.”  The challenges are immense, but the consoling words of the Lord remain in those who have faith in him.

May we experience the risen Lord as his first followers did so that courage and hope will reign supreme in our hearts.

Happy Easter to one and all!


Fr Tony Moreno SJ
President, Jesuit Conference of Asia Pacific
Easter 2018