What I have learned in 34 years

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Fr Jorge Anzorena (JPN) spoke at the ACHR Regional Meeting in Bangkok last January 27. Mr Denis Murphy introduced him, saying “This amazing person is Argentinian by birth, entered the Jesuit order and became a priest when he was in his early thirties. . . . If you ever hire someone, you should look for someone like Fr Jorge.” The transcript of Fr Jorge’s talk began as follows, “There are one billion slum dwellers in the world, and 600 million of them are in Asia. This is the situation that has moved many people to do something – activists, professionals, community leaders, architects, planners. And a large part of the work I have done over the last 34 years has been to find these people who want to do something, in all the places, and try to support them by visiting their work, writing about their work, teaching about it, perhaps finding a little money to help them continue, introducing them to others working in other places. I have learned a lot from all of you, over the last 34 years. Here are some of the things that have really impressed me and changed me – and some things that I feel are very good for the future, and for the future of the people.”

Click on the link below to download the full transcript.