Companions in a mission of justice and reconciliation

Myanmar Jesuit Region

The Jesuit Mission in Myanmar:
Growth, Challenges, and Partnerships

In 1997, the Jesuits returned to Myanmar at the request of the country’s bishops who remembered the good work of American Jesuits from Maryland who were in charge of the major seminaries in Yangon. For some years, the Myanmar mission was placed under the care of the Regional Superior of Thailand, who was “ex officio” the Major Superior of the Myanmar Mission.

In 2011, in view of the rapid growth of the mission and new challenges, the Jesuit Conference of Asia Pacific was given a three-year mission to plan and implement new apostolic and governance arrangements for Myanmar.

On 19 March 2021, the Myanmar Mission became a Region dependent to the Philippine Province, confirming the existing institutional partnerships that the Philippine Jesuits and the Myanmar Jesuits have had in place for years. These include a long standing relationship with Xavier University in Cagayan de Oro, St Aloysius Gonzaga Institute of Higher Studies in Taunggyi and Ateneo de Davao University, and a close partnership between Ateneo de Manila and the Myanmar Leadership Institute through a joint graduate diploma in Leadership and Management.

The Myanmar Mission comprises around 40 Jesuits, over 30 of whom are indigenous to Myanmar and currently in formation. The Society in Myanmar has a candidates programme, a novitiate and three educational institutions as well as a social services programme and a variety of services in support of the local church.  In 2013, the first Myanmar Jesuit priest was ordained. Since then, there are now eight local Jesuit priests and one brother. The Society is present in four dioceses of Myanmar.

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