Fr Roy Ragas SJ pronounces Final Vows

Fr Roy Cenon Ragas SJ of the Philippine Province professed his Final Vows to the Society of Jesus on 25 March in the Chapel of the First Companions at the Arvisu House Jesuit Candidacy in Quezon City.

The Mass was celebrated by Philippine Provincial Fr Primitivo Viray Jr SJ and attended by a small group of Jesuits, mostly residents of Arvisu House discerning a vocation to Jesuit religious life. These young men could take inspiration from Fr Ragas who in that same chapel, exactly 22 years ago, on 25 May 1999, received his letter of acceptance to the Jesuit novitiate.

A former seminarian with the Legazpi diocese, Fr Ragas entered the Society on 30 May 1999 and was ordained a priest on 17 April 2010. He did his Tertianship in Australia in 2017. Currently, he is on the team of the Emmaus Center for Psycho-Spiritual Formation and Accompaniment based at the Ateneo de Manila University, working in the ministry of forming diocesan seminarians, religious novices, formandi, and formators. He also serves as the Assistant Director of Arvisu House.

Fr Roy Ragas SJ with Jesuit candidates in white shirt and Arvisu House Director Fr Eric Escandor SJ