Insights on Christian-Muslim relations from Jesuit scholars of Islam in India

Indian Jesuit Fr Victor Edwin SJ has written a new book that explores the contributions of three Jesuit pioneers in transforming Christian-Muslim relations in India: Victor Courtois, Christian Troll, and Paul Jackson. In “A New Spirit in Christian-Muslim Relations in … Continued

Asia Pacific hosts second global gathering of Jesuit schools

Leaders and educators from our Jesuit global network of schools congregated online for the second Jesuit education (JESEDU) Global Colloquium hosted by the Jesuit Conference of Asia Pacific (JCAP). The first gathering was held in Boston College, USA nine years … Continued

Pope Francis receives first copy of Fr General Arturo Sosa’s new book, “Walking with Ignatius”

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On Monday, 3 May, Fr General Arturo Sosa SJ presented his new book, “En Camino con Ignacio” (“Walking with Ignatius”), to Pope Francis. The book, originally written in Spanish with journalist Darìo Menor, touches on the current challenges facing the … Continued