Digital Inclusion Program: Enabling refugees to compete with world’s best

The second phase of a visionary digital literacy programme co-founded by an Australian Jesuit is set to launch in Dzaleka Refugee Camp in Malawi, where refugees have continued to seek asylum in great numbers during the Covid-19 pandemic. The Digital … Continued

Sustainability and Ignatian Values: A proposal for a joint MOOC from worldwide Jesuit universities

There are many courses on sustainability in many universities across the world, but there is still a void that needs to be filled, and to which Jesuit universities can make an important contribution. Drawing inspiration from the integral ecology proposed … Continued

We stand with Stan

Many of us have been inspired by Fr Stan Swamy SJ through his talks and writings as the former director of the Bangalore Indian Social Institute and an unflinching Adivasi human rights activist in Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, and Odisha, India. His … Continued