Igniting excellence in education through Ignatian formation

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The Education Commission of the Jesuit Conference of Asia Pacific (JCAP) has launched a programme designed to address the various formation needs of Jesuit primary and secondary schools in the region. The “Ignatian Initiative for Teaching Excellence” (IGNITE) programme offers a selection of workshops for faculty and staff to support them in their role as Ignatian educators.

“The IGNITE programme is designed by practitioners for practitioners, in consultation with experts and specialists,” said Fr Johnny Go SJ, JCAP Education Secretary.

Building a community of Jesuit schools

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#sfxjcap2016.  In October this hashtag began appearing in Instagram as students, faculty and staff of Jesuit schools in Asia Pacific posted photographs of themselves and their friends in front of the Educate Magis map in their schools. The photos were entries to the St Francis Xavier Global Network Instagram Competition.

Educate Magis is an online community that connects educators from more than 2,000 Jesuit and Ignatian schools all over the world and the map shows the rich diversity and wide reach of the global network of Jesuit schools.

One foot in the air

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One foot on the ground, another in the air – always on a journey to serve God.  This is an image Fr Ross Jones SJ, President of Saint Ignatius’ College, Riverview in Sydney, Australia uses to show what it means for students and teachers in a Jesuit school to be contemplatives-in-action.

A path to self-determination through education

A close encounter with the Tboli communities in Lake Sebu in the Philippines reveals their great love and pride for their cultural identity. This can be felt in the way they assert and protect their rights and in their local governance. A spirit of unity, collaboration and openness manifests not only during festivities but also in the daily rigours of life.

A whole story of gratitude, renewal and hope

“There are a lot of stories we can tell about these two institutions, but they are a whole story of gratitude, renewal and hope”.  

The two institutions are Loyola House of Studies (LHS) and the Loyola School of Theology (LST) which this month concluded their yearlong golden jubilee celebration.  At the closing dinner on September 11, Fr Antonio Moreno SJ, Philippine Jesuit Provincial and Loyola School of Theology Vice-Chancellor, described the story of LHS and LST as a tale of appreciation and optimism.

Ateneo de Davao University underscores commitment to the environment

The southern Philippine island of Mindanao is home to an abundance of natural resources, chief among them are forests and aquatic resources that sustain and nourish ecosystems. But big agricultural developments and large-scale mining activities have resulted in land dispossession of indigenous communities, violence and environmental degradation.

Serving the City, Serving the People

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Thirty-eight students from Jesuit universities in four Asian countries gathered in Yogyakarta, Indonesia for this year’s Service Learning Programme (SLP), hosted by Sanata Dharma University.  The theme this year – Serving the City, Serving the People: Developing Youth Social Movement within the Urban Communities – was inspired by a growing concern that city development is happening without citizen involvement.

The programme employed the Ignatian Pedagogy Framework of Context-Experience-Reflection-Action-Evaluation.

Jesuit colleges and universities commit to promoting institutional collaboration on sustainability in Asia Pacific

The Jesuit focus on sustainability in Asia Pacific is gaining momentum. Just two days after the Jesuit Conference of Asia Pacific’s first sustainability conference, the chief executive officers of Jesuit institutions of higher learning agreed that their network would be the institutional home of JCAP’s sustainability movement. 

Ignatian Spirituality: the core of Jesuit school leadership

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The third run of the Workshop on Ignatian School Leadership (WISL) brought together 38 school leaders from Jesuit-run schools in four provinces and regions within the Jesuit Conference of Asia Pacific (JCAP). Coming from Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Micronesia, and the Philippines, the participants ranged from administrators of a wide range of experience to teachers identified as having leadership potential.

A renewed vitality and commitment

Cardinal Charles Bo, Archbishop of Yangon, opened the 50th Anniversary Mid-Year Celebration of the East Asian Pastoral Institute (EAPI) on June 18 with affirming words recognizing EAPI’s significant role in the growth of the Church across Asia.  The Cardinal, an EAPI alumnus himself, shared his testimony on the transforming impact of the institute in the lives of the participants and the life of the Church.