Hopes and aspirations

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The scorching sun may deter some people from venturing out of their homes, but not the hundreds of children hoping to get a place in Colégio de Santo Inácio de Loiola (CSIL).  They braved the heat, some travelling for an hour, to go to Kasait for the entrance exam.

In total, 278 candidates for Year 7 and 145 for Year 10 showed up, excited and anxious.  They knew that it was going to be tough getting into the school, not just because of the exam but also because there were many more applicants than available places.

Jesuit universities boost green initiatives

Jesuit schools in Asia Pacific are committed to growing green campuses in response to the Society’s growing ecological concern.  As a group, the members of the Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities in Asia Pacific (AJCU-AP) recognise the need to develop ways to reduce consumption of waste material and to find a means to recycle them. They deem it essential to lessen the consumption of energy, paper and water, and instead make use of clean energy to minimise the emission of greenhouse gases.

Kicking up a storm with “The Tempest”

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After almost 30 years, Shakespeare returned to the stage in Kuching thanks to the students of St Joseph’s Private School, a Jesuit-run institution in Malaysia.  The 100-strong cast and crew dazzled audiences at the Archdiocesan Curia and Cathedral Parish Centre (ACCPC) of St Joseph’s Cathedral with their performance of a modern English version of William Shakespeare’s “The Tempest”.

Networking Jesuit universities

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Earlier in July, Jesuits and their representatives from around the world met in Melbourne, Australia to develop ways to expand collaboration among Jesuits in higher education.  Fr Joel Tabora SJ, a speaker during the conference and current chair of the Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities (AJCU-AP), shares here some of his insights following the international event.

Thai Jesuit education project on the way

With the cooperation and support of a considerable circle of lay experts as well as the advice of Jesuit educators in Asia Pacific, the Jesuits in Thailand are embarking on an ambitious education project to serve the poor, especially the indigenous communities in the northern mountains of the country.  An assistant professor at Mae Fah Luang University in Chiang Rai has been hired to conduct a feasibility study that will help the Jesuits work out many of the details of the proposed college.  It should be completed in August. 

Bringing quality education within the reach of children in rural areas

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The Jesuits in Timor-Leste have launched a new education endeavour for the children in Ulmera, a rural part of the country where the still under construction Jesuit education project is located. Through the Ulmera Project, they aim to increase the chances the children from the Ulmera community have of getting into Colégio de Santo Inácio de Loiola (CSIL), the Jesuit secondary school in Kasait, Ulmera.