Collaborating to promote the right to education

posted in: Beyond JCAP, Education, Social Justice | 0

A new Jesuit initiative was recently launched to foster collaboration in making the right to quality education for all a reality across the world.  In our world today, 62 million children do not go to school, 250 million children finish primary school without knowing how to read or write due to the poor quality of education and 751 million of people aged 15 and above cannot read or write, and two thirds of them are women.

JRS partners with Jesuit law schools to help child migrants in the USA

In response to the dramatic increase in the number of unaccompanied children arriving in the United States from Central America over the past few years, Jesuit Refugee Service is collaborating with 13 Jesuit law schools in the US to address the issues faced by these child migrants.

Buddhist and Catholic blessings for the education project land in Sisophon

posted in: Education, Province News | 0

An inter-religious ceremony was recently held to bless the land for the Xavier Jesuit School Project. Msgr Enrique (Kike) Figaredo SJ, Apostolic Prefect of the Battambang Prefecture in Cambodia presided with His Excellency, Mr Oum Reatrey, the Vice-Governor of Banteay Meanchey Province with responsibility for Education, at the ceremony which took place on January 29, 2015, in a temporary tent erected for the purpose on top of the land-fill just opposite the site where the foundations of the first building are already being constructed.

English camp Thai Jesuit style

posted in: Education | 0

What a difference a change in venue can make.  This year, by holding their English Summer Camp at the Arrupe Centre in Huay Tong, in the Mae Wang District in Chiangmai Province, the Jesuits in Thailand were able to take their camp to a new level.

According to the program’s chaplain Fr Vinai Boonlue SJ, the change of venue was to provide a multidimensional setting for the students to learn, and to help them become more aware of nature and their immediate environment.  The camp is usually held in Seven Fountains, the Jesuit spirituality centre in Chiangmai.