eRenlai explores inter-religious dialogue

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eRenlai's March Focus explores the state of inter-religious dialogue within various countries, cultures and grassroots communities in Asia. It starts with an interview of Fr Jerry Martinson (CHN) who talks about meditating with Buddhist monks and the dynamics of interfaith dialogue in Asia through his experiences during and after filming the documentary Pilgrims in Dialogue in 1991.

Jesuit immersion in an Islamic school – An Indonesian Experience

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In early July 2009, eighteen Jesuit scholastics studying philosophy in Jakarta travelled twelve hours by road to an Islamic boarding school in Salatiga in the Province of Central Java. Accompanied by two Jesuit priests – Frs. YB Heru Prakosa and Greg Soetomo – they were on their way to living in that boarding house with Muslim Clerics. Is this kind of engagement significant? What is the purpose of involvement in the Muslim community?

EATEP on its 5th Program

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The fifth East Asia Theological Encounter Program (EATEP) will be held at  The Seven Fountains Spirituality Center in Chiangmai, Thailand, on April 16 – May 19, 2010. Scholastics  in theology should ask their rectors and/or  provincials for permission to attend. Rectors and formation directors should decide who might profit from this program. For further information  see the website

A Guide to Buddhist Temples in China

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Fr Christian Cochini‘s (CHN) Guide to Buddhist Temples of China – History and Cultural heritage of the main monasteries of the Han nationality, published in Macau by the Macau Ricci Institute, has been recently released. This 528-page English edition of the Guide to Buddhist Temples of China, an exceptional translation of a French edition first published last year, is an ambitious work. Yet this remarkably compact and clearly edited book offers everything a traveller may need for an encounter with Chinese Buddhism. In spite of the seemingly vast amounts of information, Fr Cochini has thoughtfully created an intimate, dynamic portrait of Chinese Buddhism and life among the major monasteries of the Han nationality, from its foundation to the present day.

Videos on Jesus and Buddha

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The Conference Coordinator for Buddhist-Christian Dialogue, Fr Cyril Veliath (JPN), has been quite busy with video production. Here are the links to his lecture series on Buddhism and Christianity. Each lecture is about 8 – 10 minutes in duration. Fr Veliath gave much effort to keep them as simple and interesting as possible so that many may profit from these lectures.

Jesuits among Muslims in Asia

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The JCEAO Consultation on Islam, held in Yogyakarta, July 21-22, gathered six Jesuits active in the study of Islam and engaged in solidarity actions with Muslims: Heru Prakosa and Greg Soetomo (Indonesia Province) hosted, Aloysius Mowe (Malaysia), Albert Alejo and Rene Oliveros (Philippines), Dan Madigan (Chair in Islamic Studies at Georgetown U) and Mark Raper, President of JCEAO.

The consultation proposed to build a network that will help Jesuits and companions of Asia Pacific gain a better understanding for Muslims and of the role of Islam in our region. Other goals include: engaging in dialogue with Muslims in ways that enhance our own faith and challenge our theological understanding; gaining greater understanding of religious fundamentalism and its strength in Asia Pacific; and supporting solidarity with Muslim brothers and sisters in Asia Pacific on behalf of human rights, peace and good governance.

Videos on Dialogue with other religions

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From Georgetown University’s Woodstock Theological Centre, here is a short excerpt of a speech by Fr Jesuit Aloysius Mowe (MAS) on “Muslims and Christians: Where do we stand?”. He discusses the view that there are fundamental similarities in both faiths, but “the fact is that, there are many issues that do divide us Christians and Muslims, there are causes for concern”.

Christian-Buddhism Dialogue New Web Site

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Fr Cyril Veliath (JPN) has created a new web site on Buddhist-Christian Dialogue. The presentation is much better than the previous site and you will now find it very easy to use the links. Fr Veliath will be very grateful if you can send him your latest news, photographs, articles, or any other useful information that can be added to the site. He also welcomes information about other Jesuits who are working in this apostolate.

Jesuit Scholar Appointed Consultor To Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue

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TAIPEI (UCAN) — French Jesuit scholar Fr Benoit Vermander, who researches religion and culture, has been appointed a consultor to the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue.

Father Vermander, 47, director of the Jesuit-run Taipei Ricci Institute, told UCA News via e-mail Nov. 21 that the appointment, made by Pope Benedict XVI, “came as a total surprise.”