Reporting on the Jesuit Conference

What do Pope Francis’ visit to Korea, interreligious dialogue, social justice, Jesuit formation, and religious life have in common? They are some of the significant moments for the Jesuit Conference of Asia Pacific in 2014 and the ones we have chosen to highlight in our 2015 annual report.  As is our practice, we also have a reflection from our President Fr Mark Raper SJ on the year that has passed.

Winning with a focus on inter-religious dialogue

A short film produced by Indonesian Jesuit production house SAV Puskat has won first prize in the 5-minute video category of the SIGNIS Asia Media Awards.  “Dancing of Life” is about inter-religious dialogue in daily life as lived by the villagers of Demangan, Wedomartani and Sleman in Yogyakarta Province.  The film’s central message is “Many faiths, but one mission: love each other”.  

Provincials to meet in Indonesia in 2015

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Fr General Adolfo Nicolás has called for a gathering of Provincials from around the world.  The meeting will be held from January 18 to 25, 2015 in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, which is the world’s most populous Islamic country.  The location provides a “unique opportunity to become aware of the challenges that interfaith dialogue presents to the Society in its service to the whole Church and to mankind,” said Fr Nicolás.  

JRS Cambodia celebrates World Interfaith Harmony Week

Jesuit Refugee Service Cambodia marked World Interfaith Harmony Week with an interfaith event at Mindol Metta Karuna on February 8. The event gathered people of different faiths who want to work together for justice, peace and a development that sustains all especially the poorest and most excluded. 

During the event, participants were asked to think about what they could do for a world of justice and peace, and make a promise by choosing one of the following and placing it in the Interfaith circle.

Build bridges, not walls

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July 31 is the feast of St Ignatius Loyola, who died in 1556.  Ignatius is known as the founder of the Society of Jesus but, as his feast day approaches, I am reminded that he founded the Society in concert with two others – Francis Xavier, who we in this Conference hold especially dear for he crossed the known world to Japan and reached the shores of China, and Peter Faber (Pierre Favre).  The three – Ignatius, Francis and Peter – shared a room during their studies at the University of Paris, and co-founded the Society of Jesus.

Fostering peace and inter-religious dialogue through film

A year after its maiden full-length film, SOEGIJA, premiered to widespread acclaim in Indonesia. Puskat Pictures is busy with its second film, “Di Tepian Sungai Elo” (At the edge of the River Elo).   The new film is about the boarding school run by Franciscan nuns in Mendut, Magelang, Indonesia from 1908 to 1943, and the impact of its alumnae, many of who become prominent figures and played important roles in the Church and nation.