Moving forward in solidarity and mission: JCAP Major Superiors Assembly in Seoul
The Jesuit Apostolic Center, tucked in a quiet corner of the Sogang University campus in Mapo-gu, Seoul, hosted the biannual assembly of the major superiors...read more

Building a culture of protection together
Recently, 15 safeguarders (as we are to be called) from each province or region in our Jesuit conference gathered in Bali, Indonesia. At first, I...read more

Renewing the mission in communication
“A change of epoch” was a resonant phrase at the recently concluded Communication Conference Delegates Meeting held at the General Curia in Rome. The phrase...read more

JesCom network reconnects in Hong Kong
The Jesuit Communications (JesCom) network in Asia Pacific convened in Hong Kong from 3 to 5 July for their first face-to-face meeting since the pandemic. The...read more

The Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque in Solo: An icon of moderate Islam
On the last day of the Asia Pacific Theological Encounter Programme (APTEP), the participants set off on a journey from Yogyakarta to Solo in Central...read more

Visiting Girisonta
Discovery and memory. These were the words that defined my visit to Girisonta. Before this visit, I had never heard of Girisonta. I believed the...read more

Elisabeth University of Music: Treasuring the past, moving forward with the spirit
In 1945, Belgian Jesuit missionary Fr Ernest Goossens SJ sought to convey a message of peace and inner healing for survivors of the atomic bomb...read more

Immersing in Islamic communities in Central Java
The second week of the Asia Pacific Theological Encounter Program (APTEP) involved immersions in two different Muslim communities in Salatiga, Central Java, Indonesia. One group...read more

New book offers practical guide to 21st-century Ignatian leadership
A newly released book titled Leading with Depth: A Practitioner’s Guide to 21st-Century Ignatian Leadership offers modern leaders a practical and accessible interpretation of Ignatian...read more